Thursday, 30 June 2011

'Hic' by Jaclin Azoulay - Top That Publishing

I'm really pleased to announce that Top That Publishing have chosen to me work as part of their mummy blogging review team.  My children will be book guinea pigs, as well as little book worms!  I will be trying out Top That Publishing's books on Sausage and Darlek and I'll let you know what they think of them, and my thoughts as a mum too.
So here goes!  Dive in at the deep end!  This is one of the books  they sent me last week. It is called 'Hic!' and is about hiccups, surprisingly enough!

Excuse you! Hic....hic....hic....
Snuffletrump the piglet was very sad.  It seems like everyone has forgotten his birthday, and he has only hiccups instead of cards and presents and a party.  He goes off to try and rid himself of the pesky hiccups by riding on the horse at the farm, by drinking milk from the cow by standing on his head drinking from a glass and even accepts help from the hens (who are secretly laughing at him - meanies!) who tell him he needs to juggle eggs to stop hiccuping.
The poor love ends up covered in milk, splattered with eggs, bounced about by the horse and still has hiccups......until....he finds out he has a surprise birthday party! His birthday hasn't been forgotten after all and because it was all such a surprise, his hiccups are gone.
It's a lovely simple story, illustrated with cute, cuddly friendly looking farm animals.  The colours are lush and warm looking, and there's really nothing to fault!  The subject matter is naturally funny, and it's great to read out loud.  Both kids liked this book, and giggled at the 'Hic!' bits, it's a nice bed time story, or even one for after lunch when they've eaten their food too quickly and have the same problem as Snuffletrump.
Should you decide to buy this book, it retails at £5.39 and can be found HERE at Top That Publishing's website. It's a good read, and I always think books such as these make great birthday party presents if you're stuck for inspiration.

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